I've very much incorporated what I learned on the PD into my life, (except the rivers of beer) although I haven't been sticking to it absolutely. However, it has had a significant effect on the food choices I make every day. I now eat fruit, eggs, berries and nuts for breakfast, where previously I ate oatmeal.
I have salads for lunch most days and if I go out and get a burrito, I get the no-rice no-beans variety, which is chokka with veges. Yum! I've actually noticed the few times I've really strayed, like when I ate a huge regular burrito, or wolfed down half a bag of chips, I've felt like shit anyway, so it's not hard to avoid. I've also noticed that it's simple carbs that give acid reflux, not necessarily spicy or rich foods.
Speaking of reflux I have a very embarrassing confession to make! The third night into the diet I wet the bed. Yes, like big time GI. Like I drained my bladder into my lovely mattress. I didn't admit it at the time because I was embarrassed and wanted to see if it was the onset of old-age.
It only happened once. It must have been something to do with the shock to my system. Cool huh?! I thought it was kinda cool. It's not every day you do something so extreme it makes you soil yourself in the sack.
As promised here is a photo from the marathon.