Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 2

Breakfast this morning:
1 banana
1 orange
1 cup Lady Grey tea (it's a great choice if you're going cold turkey on the milk and sugar, as I am)
1 chicken breast, chopped and fried in EVOO with mushrooms and celery

I also made my lunch because I go to work on Tuesdays. Wait for it.... it's a salad!

Mixed greens, cucumber, carrots, almonds, wee tomotoes, avocado, celery with 6 oz of rare filet mignon and a flaxseed oil / lemon juice dressing.

Still feeling great! Not tired at all.

Also, inspired by my running performance yesterday, I signed up for The Avenue of the Giants Marathon, oooh, in about 6 weeks!

---update 9:33pm---

Biked to work and back (about 12 miles), ran another 6 and did a hard-out 90 mins of yoga! Still feeling great. I'm really wondering when the fatigue is going to hit. I kinda dozed on the train, but trains do that to you...

Dinner tonight was Chilean Sea Bass on top of a mountain of steamed veges; courgettes, carrots, asparagus and broccoli. That is one delicious fish! I'm starting to enjoy cooking. I think the trick was to start simple. I'm learning to cook!

Snacks today: Brazil nuts, small amount of all-natural beef jerky, banana, apple, 1 can coconut juice.

1 comment:

  1. I was concerned that you hadn't posted today because your breakfast was so similiar to yesterdays.

    what a boring diet.
