Thursday, March 19, 2009

Um... Thursday

My appetite seems to have changed, fundamentally. Gone are the troughs and peaks of extreme burning hunger at one end, and distended-belly bloat at the other (Mmmm!). I woke up this morning, after another good long sleep, expecting to be ravenous. I usually am after such a day as yesterday.

Instead I happily ate a peach, a banana and about 5 Brazil nuts and ran to yoga, without a care!

I think there is something to this diet... something quite deep...

So it turns out humans have been on earth, in more or less their current form, for 2.5 million years. They started farming about 10,000 years ago. So we mostly evolved eating (let's assume) one way, for about 100,000 generations, and then, a mere 500 generations ago, we started eating very differently. The amazing thing is there are still hunter-gatherer peoples alive today. I won't say they're prospering, but I don't think their diet is the problem.

Anyway, enough about peoples and more about me. I was sorely tempted today, at a lovely cafe in Larkspur, with some... bread. It looked so delicious! But "Avast ye!" I proclaimed to the bread, and instead ate a beautiful steak tartare with a quail egg cracked on top. This was my third meal of the day, and was definitely not my last. However, as I've said before, I'm not on this diet to lose weight...

I'm on it to transcend the generations and make contact with my ancient forebears. By eating. I am building a bridge through time, out of whole meats and root vegetables.

I've often thought that a lot of the issues we have today arise from being poorly evolved for our current situation. This diet is a way to give further evidence to this theory, for me... just in case you were wondering.



13oz Grass Fed Eye Fillet Steak. Rare. Topped with onions and shrooms. Beauty!
2 lbs parsnips, yellow squash, carrots
Mixed greens and tomato side salad.

Captain Caaaaaaaveman!

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