Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 5 - The Reckoning

So I feel pretty darn tired today. Almost trembling-tired, like hypoglycemic. I watched a guy eating a croissant at the coffee shop and I almost mugged him for it. Also reeeally irritable... hmm...

I look at all the food I have and nothing really appeals as would a big fat PB&J. I need to lie down.

I think the other shoe is dropping.

Incidentally, I don't know how much, but I've visibly lost weight in 4 days... at least a couple pounds! Yikes! Far too fast!

---update - later that day---

What a turn around! After a good big meal of halibut over steamed broccoli, and a 3-banana chaser, I ran 10 miles with my good friend Ra biking along beside me! I felt fine. What a wonderful jaunt over the bridge!

The life-reaffirming meal...

When we got home we had a roast leg of lamb, some roasted rutabagas, pumpkin, onion, garlic and leeks! Infraction alert: 1 glass wine, 1 glass Jameson's! Ow! Did someone say man date?

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