Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I was up at 5:30 this morning! Probably because I was fast asleep by 9:30 last night. I was so exhausted! Getting to sleep does not seem to be an issue on the PD. I felt like I'd been tranquilized. However, I did go to work yesterday, and do a hard-core power yoga class with IO's hardest corest yoga teacher. Both were a shock to the system. Combine that with 0 carbs and I am the walking dead.

I'm waiting for it to get a bit nearer to dawn then I'm going to hit the pavement. I think watching the sun rise while running the GGB sounds like a good start to the day.

Breakfast this morning was delicious. I read somewhere that you're better off eating (whole) the stuff you put in a smoothie, so I did that.

1 banana
1 peach
1 cup microwaved strawb's and blueb's
1 boiled egg
1 cup lady grey tea

(this would make a pretty nasty smoothie anyway)


Okay, so something needs to be done. I couldn't run the 10 miles I had planned. I felt awful. Like I'd been kicked all over by homicidal mules. I managed to scratch out 6 miles and, to my utter humiliation, was overtaken by a milf at the end.

That's 3 consecutive runs where I've felt like crap. So I went back to my book and found this bit, which I had apparently read before... "modification of a strict Paleo Diet is necessary for the serious athlete."

I have decided that 6 hours of yoga a week, and 50 miles running, qualifies me as such.

So, I'm not going to start wolfing carbs or anything, but I'm thinking I'll have some on Saturday night in preparation for the half-marathon (training) run I have planned for Sunday. The book says I can! The book says I should. The book says.

Until then I will keep crawling through the mire.

P.S. Belter lunch! I left a beautiful pork loin to slow cook while I was at yoga, then chopped it up onto a salad with avo, crrt, tom, cuc, grns, lemj, evoo. Washed it down with a disconcertingly straight banana.

1 comment:

  1. microwaved strawberries and blueberries?

    did they have microwaves?

    i truly would prefer if you were rubbing sticks together for heat. this whole thing would be MUCH more believable and admirable.
