Friday, April 17, 2009

Long Run Done

I had a 20 mile run looming large on my schedule for this weekend, which was hanging over me like the proverbial Sword of Damocles. So, on a whim yesterday, I decided to do it! Boy was it tough! After yoga, and a delicious chicken salad, I set out in full endurance garb. This consists of Camelbak, MP3 player, with all my mash-ups (I taped the earbuds onto my ears with band-aids - cool!). Paisley bandanna - carefully selected to match my shorts, GPS unit, Zildjian wristbands and my aviator sunnies. A quick check in the mirror confirmed I looked like a total douchebag, so I was ready to go!

The first 5 miles were into a strong head wind, and it was as cold as a witch's tit! Actually the whole thing was reeeally tough, and I attribute my success to A) the paleolithic diet, and B) the fact that I'm well 'ard.

In other news, Molly Stone's were having a super mega sale on PORK loins, so I bought all 20 lbs of them... look what you can do with 20 lbs of pork loins! Fun!

All the long runs done, and only a little over 2 weeks until the marathon, and the end of the Paleolithic Diet Experiment!

It's changed me though, it really has.


  1. Congrats on reaching the end of your experiment fully intact and with just a couple weeks to go until the big day! I hope this doesn't mean your blog will be terminated. =) I have my first 20-miler of the season tomorrow, wish me luck!

  2. It's not over. I'm going to keep eating Paleolithic until the marathon itself! I don't know what I'm going to do afterward... I kinda like blogging... ;)

  3. Oh, I see the confusion. The penultimate sentence was a tad ambiguous...
