Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Eleven (11) hours of sleep last night! Booya!

I keep going back to this yoga class (on Tuesdays) I think I hate but I must actually like. The teacher reminds me uncannily of one I got in a bit of a disagreement with 2 yoga studios ago... anyway, she's tough. She's also like a schoolteacher I had when I was 11 who scared the absolute shite out of me, but years later I found out she really loved me and was doing it for my own good. Turned out the sternness was just because she was a sad lonely old bitch.

So, my point was, I went to work and did the yoga I-love-to-hate class again, so I was very tired.

Okay internetians, here's where my blog gets all interactive web 2.0 on your ass. I got my organic farmers box today and I need your help identifying (if you could provide a quick and easy recipe too, that would be great) two (2) of its constituents:

Going clockwise from 12 o'clock: cardboard box, lettuce, onions, strawbs, apples, shrooms, WTF1, WTF2. Any ideas?

Bonus round: Is that really worth $23 or am I paying too much?

---- update ----

Dinner: Steamed overpriced 'collard greens' and steamed overpriced 'chard'. Washed down with PORK.

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