Thursday, April 23, 2009

Have You Had A Mouthful Of 'Nip Lately?

I think tomorrow I'm going to do a Paleolithic Tour of Chinatown. Biking through yesterday I noticed their produce is hella cheap, compared to over here in Pac Heights. And it's less than 1 mile away! Compare broccoli at $4.99 a pound here, to 79c a pound there! Craziness! Why am I paying white man prices? Sucka fool me!

Also I reckon there are probably some really exciting meats and veges hanging around Chinatown that I haven't yet eaten... don't ya think? Peking Duck anyone? Anyway, we'll find out tomorrow, stay tuned (both of you).

I don't know why I've suddenly got so price-conscious, it's not like I'm not totally loaded, I guess it's just fun. Case in point; today I bought a 'club roast', because it was on special. I didn't have a clue what it was, or what to do with it. So I put it in the oven, at 375 degrees, until I started to doubt myself.

This didn't take long, so it was nice and rare. I ate it with kale, broccoli, carrots and turnips. Which brings me to the title of today's post. OMG turnips are sensational! Steam 'em up good, then drizzle with some EVOO and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Fuck me they are beeaaauuutiful! Mmm MMM!

In other news, I have this pair of jeans that are really really small (I bought them when I was anorexic because a girl dumped me - my weight was the only thing in my life I felt I could control - oh wait, you know what anorexia is, sorry). So, I only keep these jeans because they're 7s and I lend them to girls when they need something other than their clothes from the night before to go home in. So I had them out the other day (not coz I scored - paleolithic men had surprisingly lame sex-lives, I'm discovering) but because I wanted to see how they fit after 5 weeks on this diet.

So they're really little right? Well blow me down if the waist fit no problem at all! But get this, are you sitting down? I couldn't get my thighs in!!!! Can you believe it? I've muscled up so much on this diet that my thighs have turned into big burly meat hammers! They won't fit into the thigh-holes of my skinny jeans! Haha!

I had a good laugh at that. Then I fell over.

Okay, Chinatown tomorrow baby, we're going down!

1 comment:

  1. James, now you're really starting to see how effective the Paleo diet really is. It's amazing how you can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time.

    Keep up the fantastic posts. You keep me laughing and smiling every day!
