Sunday, April 19, 2009

Katie's Birthday Party - Reader Discretion Advised - Implied Nudity

Today's post has been canceled due to acetaldehyde poisoning. Owwwww.

It all started when...

Everything goes wavy and we are transported back to last night, about 8pm...

))) wooo woooo woooo

...I turned up at Katie's Birthday Party in the Marina. Actually, immediately prior to that I discovered walking down Buchanan Street with leather-soled shoes and a bottle of wine is EXTREMELY hazardous. Fortunately I am a highly-skilled skier!

So, I was at Katie's Birthday party, which was super fun.

Consumption: 2 glasses Veuve Cliquot, 1 beer. 3 bacon-wrapped dates. (Token effort to keep this blog on-topic)

I had a good chat with Rob, at the conclusion of which we decided to try being friends in real life, not just on Facebook. I also met Barry, from the Irish consulate, who invited me to the big Irish Consulate Lion's Rugby Tour Party at Harding Park, after we bonded about being Irish and shit! Sweeeeeeeeet! Jealous? Huh? Huh? You don't know what that is, do you? Well, you should be jealous anyway.

Then we went to The Tipsy Pig and the drinking began in earnest.

Consumption: 3 x 20oz Stella Artwaaa

Highlights of this foray into Marina Central: Running into friend Chad, who got engaged last week. Katie flashing her boobs.

Oh yes, it's high-brow.

Then it starts to get a little hazy... and as so often happens, I ended up going to a party in Nob Hill with 4 Indian dudes (don't worry, I recruited them for the cricket club) where all the girls and boys were in their underwear and nothing else!

Vivek, bless him, naively insisted it was a swinger's party. I pointed out that it clearly wasn't, due to the vertical orientation of all guests. I think lingerie is just the latest craze in party themes... togas are apparently passé.

A quick downward glance confirmed I was wearing my best pair of striped jockey bikini briefs, whereupon I dissolved into the melee like a paleolithic chameleon not in wolf's clothing.

Consumption: 3 random party drinks made in the dark

((( Everything goes I-think-I'm-gonna-hurl wavy

I woke up, at home. Intact, alone, hungover, but with all my possessions! (and clothes). There you have it. Miraculous.

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