Sunday, April 5, 2009

w00t McG00t!

Something is working! The 20 miler last night was the easiest I have EVER done. The longer I ran the better I felt, and I followed it up with a goodish, somewhat relaxed (47 minute (PB 42)) 10k this morning with the esteemed DSE Runners.

The big difference is how I FEEL. At the end of the 20-miler last night I felt light and strong, spritely even! I was bouncing along the Embarcadero!

Same thing today with the 10k. Late power. Burst power. Stamina. Thank you Paleolithic Man! Now I know how you got that wildebeest... you wore him down with your bitchin' negative splits.

I decided to walk home through the park after the race. It's an absolutely belter day out there. When I hit the panhandle my friend (and kite-boarder extraordinaire) Jon happened to see me out his window (he's psychic), so we went for some food. He told me about a great recipe for chicken (updated) and listened to me ramble on about the PD for ages. He actually seemed interested. What a good sport!


Guest Spot! (from the pen of Jon S, pictured)

Here is a good description of the process, forget the bread salad it’s unpaleo.

The keys are the size of the bird and getting a feel for how your oven behaves, and prep a day in advance, ¾ a teaspoon per pound of bird. I used a 4.5 pounder and a 4 pounder, they worked great, the recipe calls for a little smaller, so go with that.

One tricky part is to get the skin to not stick when you flip the beast, I haven’t perfected that one, I hear a rack in the roasting pan is effective since it raises the bird from the drippings.

I expect a full report, enjoy.

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