Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nut Habit

So I did some math(s) today while I was at work (don't worry, it wasn't work-related) and concluded that I may have a slight Nut Habit...

Walnuts = 182 Calories per ounce
Almonds = 163 C.oz^-1
Brazilians = 184 "

That means the 4 lbs of nuts I have eaten in the last week come to about 11,000 calories, or five and half days of a regular 2000 calorie diet. Not bad for just between-meal snacking! [No wonder you have stayed so fat you fat cow! - Ed]

Today I went to Togo's for lunch. I got them to make me a Hold The Cheese and Dressing and Add 4oz of Roast Beef to a Cobb Salad Por Favor. They think I'm very strange.


It's actually been a pretty rough day. First I found out that my boss's wife (who has been super fantastic to me for the last ten years and I love dearly) is very ill... then on the way home I got attacked by a crazy woman in the Broadway tunnel... then before yoga I ran into my ex, who looked disconcertingly attractive and happy... then at yoga I fell out of headstand and kicked a girl in the head, causing her to scream and totally disrupt my concentration!

What a day! Jesus. There's only one thing that will make it better... that's right! A very carefully constructed meal of Turkey Burgers!!


  1. Love the blog, James! I found it via cavemanforums.com and have now added it to my "Good Reading on the Blogosphere" list on my ultrarunning/paleo blog. Best of luck with the running and keep on staying Paleo, brotha!
