Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu

I am sick. I expect it's swine flu because I have been eating crazy amounts of pork. With 6 days until the marathon this is cutting it a bit fine. 6 days to recover [or die? -Ed].

I went for a 10 mile run yesterday, after the 1 miler in the morning. It was actually okay, but when I woke up this morning I was really sick, like in all the other previously-unaffected places; head, sinuses, throat, meat hammers, soul.

I prescribed myself antibiotics, from my mega-stash in the freezer, but they are yet to have an effect. Need some pills? Pills? Pills? Get your pills here, cheap!

So this week, the last downward slide to the marathon, and the end of the Paleolithic Diet, I'm gonna take it easy. Not work too hard, get lots of sleep and drink lots of tea. Oh wait, that's what I normally do. Maybe I won't run so much either.

Consumption today: 1 banana, 1 egg, 1 orange, pills, coffee, sinus squirter.

P.S. Today at the coffee shop I talked to a cute girl. It went very well. First I sat there for ages saying to myself 'Go talk to her you WUSS'. I think that helped. Also she had a shirt with "I ♥ RUNNERS" on it. Like a lamb to the slaughter!

I was at a big disadvantage, I haven't shaved in 6 days, I am sick, and I just woke up.

I think I only mildly freaked her out. This is definitely an improvement.

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